I don’t think there is anyone who never heard about RISC-V in the year of 2023, who works in the area of embedded systems or digital design and verification. If you never heard about it, please look at RISCV international webpage: https://riscv.org/ RISC-V is a royalty-free, open-standard instruction set architecture (ISA). Well, if you never […]
Ay: Ağustos 2023

Verification of a Custom AXI-Stream IP with VHDL using UVVM Library
In my latest post, I showed how to create a custom AXI-Stream IP in Vivado. This basic IP was an arithmetic coprocessor accelerator, performs addition, subtraction or multiplication according to the configuration: https://www.mehmetburakaykenar.com/creating-custom-axi-stream-ip-tutorial-with-vivado/397/ In that post, I just showed how to create the IP in Vivado and write the RTL code, but did not verify […]

Creating Custom AXI-Stream IP Tutorial with Vivado
In my latest post, I talked about AXI-Stream protocol and showed a running design on Zedboard utilizing AXI-Stream FIFO and ILA: https://www.mehmetburakaykenar.com/what-is-axi-stream-protocol-axi-stream-fifo-tutorial-with-vivado-and-vitis-running-on-zynq-zedboard/377/ Today, I will show how to create a custom AXI-Stream peripheral in Vivado with VHDL. The use case is an arithmetic co-processor, where the arithmetic operation of the co-processor will be selected between […]
2023 yılı Ağustos ayında Ankara’da ikamet eden birisinin şu anda en büyük problemlerinden bir tanesi sıcaklık! Gerçekten de Ağustos ayı inanılmaz sıcak geçiyor, birkaç gündür üst üste 40 derece civarında hava sıcaklığı var. Gece uyumak mümkün değil, gündüz dışarı çıkmak inanılmaz kötü bir tecrübe. Muhtemelen bu yılın, ya da geçmiş herhangi bir yılın Ocak ayında […]

What is AXI-Stream protocol? AXI-Stream FIFO Tutorial with Vivado and Vitis, running on ZYNQ, ZEDBOARD
So far in my blogs I utilized Zynq PS DMA and AXI CDMA IPs to move data between DDR RAM, on-chip ram (OCM) and PL Block RAM (BRAM). I have designed Vivado HW and Vitis SW parts and showed latency results for these two scenarios, which you can find at the links all the details: […]