In the previous post, I was able to harden a RISC-V based SoC in Openlane. There were 3 methods to harden the chip according to Efabless documentation and I utilized the first method, which was hardening the macros first, then integrating all the macros in the top module by instantiating them, while there must be […]
Etiket: soc

RISC-V Based SoC Design with Open-Source Openlane IC Design Tool
This is the second post for the series of open-source IC design flow. The first post talked about how to use open-source tools, namely Openlane to harden a RISC-V CPU core, in which we generated GDS outputs of the CPU core. The famous PicoRV32 RISC-V core is chosen for this purpose. You can find the […]

Open-Source IC Design Flow for an Open-Source RISC-V Core
I can say I am more of an RTL design engineer. I had a lot of experience in RTL design deployed in FPGA systems before gaining interest in IC design. In FPGA, or now also in SoC (Processing System [PS] + Programmable Logic [PL]) you write your RTL code in one of the HDLs, namely […]

XILINX ZYNQ AXI Central DMA (CDMA) On-Chip Memory (OCM), DDR3 RAM and PL Block RAM Data Transfer Performances
It has been a long time that I posted on my webpage related to Digital Design and SoC concepts. My last post was related to evaluating data transfer rates between OCM, DDR3 RAM and PL Block RAM by utilizing PS DMA of Processing System of the Zynq SoC. Please visit the related post for details: […]